Dry Body Brush
Ethically Handmade Natural Sisal Body Brush
Enhance your daily wellness routine with this ethically handmade body brush, crafted from 100% natural sisal fiber. Designed for medium-strength brushing, this brush is perfect for all-over body exfoliation. Dry brushing has been practiced for centuries as a holistic approach to skincare and well-being. By gently brushing your skin, followed by a shower or bath, you can enjoy benefits beyond soft, glowing skin—such as improved circulation and lymphatic stimulation, which aids in detoxification.
How to Use
- Start at your feet and move up your body.
- Brush your skin using wide, circular, clockwise motions.
- Use light pressure in sensitive areas and firmer pressure on thicker skin, like the soles of your feet.
- Brush your arms after your feet, legs, and mid-section, moving towards your armpits.
- After dry brushing, take a cool shower to wash away dead skin cells.
- Once dry, apply a natural plant-based oil, such as olive or coconut oil, to moisturize.
For beginners, start with light pressure and gradually increase over time. Avoid brushing areas with rashes, wounds, cuts, or infections.
Additionally, do not brush areas affected by poison oak, poison ivy, or psoriasis. Avoid using this brush on your face unless specifically designed for facial use.
100% natural sisal fibers, 100% cotton corn, sustainable timber
Sri Lanka
Care & Storage
Wash regularly and allow it to dry in the sun. Avoid leaving it damp or submerged in water for extended periods.
Packaging & Disposal
100% package-free. At the end of its life, take apart and compost all components.