Frequently asked questions
Here are the answers to the questions we get asked the most! Still have a question? Contact us directly!Yes! All clean and dry containers of all sizes and materials are welcome.
Yes! We accept clean, dry containers that are functional and have lids. However, due to limited space, we may pause donations when we have too many. To check if we're currently accepting jars, follow us on Instagram or give us a call.
What We Accept:
✔ Glass jars with lids
✔ Stainless steel containers with lids
✔ Firm, sturdy plastic containers (to extend their lifespan)
What We Do NOT Accept:
✘ Extra-large containers (e.g., protein powder tubs)
✘ Clamshell packaging (e.g., takeout containers, berry boxes)
✘ Styrofoam of any kind
✘ Plastic Tupperware
✘ Drink containers (e.g., kombucha bottles, Gatorade bottles, soda bottles) – these aren’t ideal for our products and rarely get reused
✘ Containers with lingering food, oil, or residue
✘ Containers with a strong lingering smell (even if clean and dry)
All donated containers are sanitized and made available for free to customers who want to reuse them. Thank you for helping us reduce waste!
No worries! We offer paper bags for $0.10 each, a selection of jars and containers for purchase, and free donated containers from our community.
YES! Even the retail/non-edible items.
We are working on the logistics of this, however, currently we are unable to ship refrigerated items. Check back soon!
Scan the QR codes in the shop to directly acces the online product listing which contains everything you need to know about the product like ingredients, materials, and responsible disposal instructions.
Anyone is welcome to donate funds to the pay-it-forward board either in person at the shop or online. These funds are placed on the board for anyone and everyone to access in a time of need -- no questions asked!
Want to make a regular donation to help us ensure everyone has access to ethical, clean, groceries & goods? Become a "pay-it-forward member"!
We have very strict standards when vetting new vendors. All aspects of their operations must coincide with "our values". In short, all products must be sustainable, ethical, and vegan. If you're looking for more details, click the button to check out our vendor application.